Galway Simon finds zero city rental properties within HAP limits

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There are zero rental properties in Galway city available within HAP limits according to the latest study by the Galway Simon Community.

The Locked Out of the Market XIV report released this week by Galway Simon found an average of just 24 properties to rent in Galway city during the three day snapshot in April 2 – 4.

Of those, not a single once was available for a price within Rent Supplement/HAP limits across the four categories according to the housing charity.

The study found that rent for one-bed properties available in Galway City was between €920 and €1600 monthly, and between €960 and €1,950 for two-bedroom properties.


Karen Feeney, Head of Client Services at Galway Simon Community said the private rental market is not adequate to deliver the level of social and affordable housing required locally, and that other approaches, as well as preventative measures, are vital going forward.

“We support many people through our services who rely on Housing Assistance Payments (HAP), and there are thousands more in the community who also rely on this to survive.”

“However, the latest Simon Communities study shows that affordability of rent is a huge issue as there is very clearly a significant gap between the HAP limits and market rents.”

“We know too well that people who pay these top ups in rent, can end up having to choose between essential bills like heat, light or food and paying their rent.”

“It’s a vicious cycle and unfortunately people end up paying the ultimate price through involuntarily becoming homeless”, Karen said.