Galway measles case linked to Limerick outbreak

galway measles

A case of measles in Galway is linked to the outbreak in Limerick City, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre has confirmed.

There is just one reported case in Galway and the patient’s details are unknown.

There are now 28 confirmed measles cases linked to the ongoing outbreak in the Mid-West region, with the majority of these in Limerick City.

As well as one case in Galway, there is one associated case in Clare and one in Dublin.

These are also related to the Limerick outbreak.

There are also a number of cases in the South East area.

The Measles Outbreak Control Team is continuing to investigate the measles cases and offer advice on the measures to control the further spread of this potentially serious illness.

A free HSE MMR vaccination clinic (no appointment needed) is being held in Barrack View Primary Care Centre, Edward Street, Limerick on 12th April at 3-4pm. Additionally for the duration of this outbreak MMR vaccination is free of charge to the public from GPs as the HSE is paying for the vaccine and for the GPs to give the vaccine.

“The HSE is advising all adults aged under 40 to check if they have had two doses of MMR and if not to arrange to get immunised by their GP. This outbreak demonstrates that measles is not just a childhood illness, around half of the cases are adults aged less than 40 years of age.

Parents of children in the region should also check if their children have had the vaccines appropriate for their age (1st one at 1 year, 2nd one in Junior Infants in primary school),” the HPSC advised.