Galway gardaí emphasise the importance of having alarms in your home

Galway Daily news Garda advice on preventing home burglaries over New Year's

Galway gardaí highlighted the lifesaving difference it can make to have alarms in your home for different emergencies at a Community Alert meeting in Loughrea.

Sgt Michael Walsh, the local Garda Crime Prevention Officer spoke about home security and preventing burglaries, and the role that intruder alarms can play in both.

Joining him was a Development Officer from Muintir Na Tire who spoke about carbon monoxide gas, known as the silent killer.

He mentioned that people can receive a free Carbon Monoxide alarm through their local Community Alert group.

And lastly, fire officers from Galway and Loughrea gave a presentation on fire safety.

Christmas proves to be a peak time for house fires they warned, so make sure you have a fire alarm in each room, and check the battery weekly.

Many modern intruder alarms also come with a built in fire and carbon monoxide function, but don’t take safety for granted.

This public information meeting was organised by Sgt Joe Dunleavy of Loughrea Garda Station.