Galway awarded over €80,000 for outdoor recreation projects

Galway Daily news

Funding of more than €80,000 has been awarded to Galway for five outdoor recreation infrastructure projects this week.

The funding was announced Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring under Measure 1 of the 2019 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme.

It includes €19,760 for upgrades to Gort River Walk, €19,598 for repairs to the Bóthar Shenadh Mhacha trail in Connemara, €18,160 to surface the Canon Oliver Hughes Park Walkway in Tuam, €15,848 to develop a series of waling trails in the Sliabh Aughty Mountains, and €10,000 to repair weather damage to the Mam Ean Trail in Connemara.

Galway East TD Sean Canney congratulated the successful applicants, saying that these projects will create recreation facilities in their communities for the benefit of all.

Measure 1 of this programme provides grants of up to €20,000 for small scale maintenance, promotion and marketing projects.

The Minister announced over €1.8 million in funding for 109 projects under Measure 1 this week.

“There is no doubting the importance of these projects for the wellbeing and quality of life of local residents,” Minister Ring said.

“As a nation, we have embraced the great outdoors in growing numbers and I am pleased that my Department is playing a central role in facilitating the development of this important sector.”

“Our investment in outdoor recreation facilities and infrastructure also pays a significant economic dividend.

“Thousands of tourists make walking, hiking, cycling and other outdoor pursuits an important part of their stay in Ireland.”

“Last year alone, almost 2.7 million overseas visitors engaged in some form of cross country walking or hiking, while over 0.5 million visitors incorporated cycling into their stay.”

Funding under Measure 2, medium scale repair/upgrades, and Measure 3 Large scale upgrades and new strategic trail developments, will be announced at a later date.

Funding for this programme is broken down by: 80 percent from the Department and 20 percent from the Local Authority and other sources.