Free mental health support workshops for Galway LGBT+ community

galway daily news lgbti+ course mental health amach!

A new course aimed at providing members of the LGBTI+ community in Galway with the skills to cope with stress is kicking off next Wednesday, 17 February.

The six-week course will take place online from 7-8pm on Wednesday evenings, and is completely free for those who wish to attend.

The course is being run by Amach!LGBT Galway, who represent and advocate on behalf of the LGBTI+ community in Galway, and it will be facilitated by Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ger McNamara.

Launching the series of workshops, Helen Mortimer, Coordinator at Amach!LGBT Galway, said that stress impacts our emotions, cognition and physical and mental health in our everyday life.

“The current global pandemic is increasing our stress levels,” Helen said. “In the current environment of living in an ongoing lockdown, with reduced access to support groups and systems many members of the LGBTI+ community are feeling more isolated and alone than ever.

“These workshops will help people to learn to cope with mental health difficulties they are facing, and we encourage anyone from the LGBTI+ community who is struggling at the moment to get in touch with us.”

The workshops are free, and for adults aged 18+.

The facilitator of the workshops, Dr Ger McNamara, is a clinical psychologist who works in adult mental health. Dr McNamara has a special interest in LGBTI+ affirmative therapy, both in clinical practice and research.

Those looking for further information or wishing to take part in the workshops can get in touch by emailing: