Drop off electronic waste for free recycling in Loughrea today

Galway Daily news Free electrical waste collection event in Galway this weekend

Anyone with any electronic waste building up around the house can bring it to Loughrea for recycling free today.

Galway County Council and WEEE Ireland are offering free recycling of anything with a plug or a battery, from fridges to phones and everything in between.

The collection will be open at Supervalu in Loughrea from 10am to 4pm.

This is the last in a series of free collections that the county council and WEEE have been organising over the past month.

Between them, collection at Gort, Oughterard, and Casla brought in nearly 100 tonnes of electronic waste for recycling over April.

22 tonnes were collected in Casla on April 13, another 26 tonnes of rubbish was gathered at Oughterard on April 20, and just last Saturday a collection in Gort netted a whopping 48 tonnes of waste.