Family with three small children left for over three years without water

galway daily water

A Connemara family with three small children have been left for over three years without a regular water supply by Irish Water, and Galway County Council before them, according to a Galway West Senator.

Senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh called on the company to sort out the problem once and for all.

Speaking today, the Independent Senator said that it is an ‘inexcusable situation’.

“I first contacted Irish Water on behalf of the family, who live in the Ros Muc – Cill Chiaráin area of Connemara area, in November 2016. Despite scores of emails, phone calls and representations from my office and from the family, nothing has been done to ensure they have an adequate, reliable water supply,” he said.

The Galway West senator said that this week, the family have been left without water for three days.

” They are regularly left in a situation when they have to fill tanks, pots and jars to address their domestic water needs. They have lived in their house since 2009 and have never had a satisfactory water supply.

“They cannot have washing machines running and leave the house for fear that the pressure will drop and damage the machines. When there is increased usage in the locality, for example due to the influx of Irish language students at certain times, they are left with a mere trickle to service their needs or no water at all.

“They have three very small children and therefore their need for a reliable water supply is very high. It would appear that a pump is needed to increase the pressure of the Irish Water supply to their home, but to date Irish Water have put no plan in place and have done nothing to resolve the constant  issues.

“When we make representations, we seem to get sent from Billy to Jack, with no one in Irish Water taking responsibility for the case. This is totally unacceptable and extremely unprofessional.

“We are calling on Irish Water publicly now to take the necessary steps to rectify this supply issue once and for all, without further delay,” Senator Ó Clochartaigh added.

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