Funding to support climate action in Galway City & County

Galway Daily news Community Climate Action public information evenings in Galway City

Almost €3 million in funding has been announced to support climate action in the north-west region over the next six years.

The €2.97 million has been allocated for the Atlantic Seaboard North CARO which incorporates Galway, Mayo, Sligo, and Donegal.

The Climate Action Regional Offices were established in 2018 to support local government to respond and adapt to climate change.

They coordinate national and local climate policy and work to ensure there is a more joined-up approach to responding to the climate crisis at a regional level.

Minister for the Environment Eamon Ryan welcomed the continued engagement with the CAROs and the local authorities.

“Over the previous five years, the CAROs have been instrumental in helping local authorities to respond to climate challenges, particularly on adaptation, and have become a really valued resource for the local authorities within their region.”

“The Department will work closely with the CAROs over the coming years to ensure the work continues to support the delivery of climate actions at a local level.”

“The climate is changing more quickly and unpredictably than we can keep up with. We can see the impacts all around us — flooding, heatwaves, droughts.”

“Climate change is a serious threat to Ireland and its people. We need to talk about these problems and work together to prepare for the changes that are coming.”

“By taking local climate action and working with local government, we’re creating a better Ireland,” the Minister said.

Welcoming the new agreement, the Chair of the CCMA Climate Action, Transport, Circular Economy and Networks Committee, John McLaughlin said, “The Climate Action Regional Offices have been instrumental in supporting the local government sector in our ambition to lead and deliver climate action across Ireland.”

“Since they were established, the CAROs have provided significant strategic assistance to all 31 local authorities, which has enabled them to drive climate action in their own operations, counties and cities, and communities.”

Under the new agreement, the four CAROs will continue to support local authorities and will have a particular focus on supporting local authorities with their Local Authority Climate Action Plans.