Leaving Cert ‘Calculated Grades’ online app goes live

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The online application system for schools to upload data for Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades went live earlier today.

The system allows schools to enter data on Leaving Certificate students’ estimated percentage marks and class rankings.

The online system went live at midday and will remain open until close of business on Friday 19 June.

Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD said: “The opening of the online system for schools to upload data for Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades is another important stage in the process.

“I want to acknowledge the work of teachers, principals and school staff who are collaborating at this time to ensure that students’ estimated marks and class rankings are compiled and uploaded to the system before the deadline of Friday 19 June.”

The Minister also thanked students once again for registering with the system.

Schools have been provided with a detailed guidance document Calculated Grades Data Collection Guide for Data Entry Users and Approvers on use of this system.

Schools have also been provided with a matrix document showing students and their subjects and levels.

A dedicated helpline and email address are available to support schools during the process.

Over 60,150 Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied students have registered on the Calculated Grades Student Portal since it opened.