NUIG introducing enhanced COVID-19 restrictions on campus activity

Galway daily news Day of Action for Palestine

NUI Galway has brought in new restrictions on what activities may occur on campus after the government requested additional restrictions due to COVID-19.

On Friday, universities were asked to bring in enhanced COVID-19 public health measures, in line with what was adopted by HEIs in Dublin last week.

The Irish Universities Association, which includes NUIG, announced that for the next 2 -3 weeks, a number of measures would introduced to limit the movement of students and avoid congregation.

This includes moving as much teaching as possible to an online format, as opposed to in person education.

NUIG emailed students on Friday to say that, aside from lab-based and practical tuition, all lectures and teaching will be moving online.

“While there is a provision for limited teaching in small tutorials to continue, the clear intent of the Government’s measures is that this should be a limited number of small groups only and on the basis that the tuition can’t be done online.”

“In practice, therefore, in terms of teaching, only laboratory-based and practical tuition and related inductions will take place next week on-campus.”

“While the lectures move online, should individual lecturers require access to their offices in order to deliver the material then that access will continue to be granted.”

The James Hardiman Library remains open to students from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, with a requirement to reserve a seat to gain admission.

Society and Club activities on campus will not take place, but all research activities will continue.

This comes as Galway has has some of the highest figures for COVID-19 infections in the country in the past week, with only Dublin, Kildare, Donegal, and Cork surpassing us for case numbers.

The full set of provisions the IUA called for based on government advice on COVID-19 is:

  • Universities will use discretion when deciding between onsite and remote for the scheduling of particular activities and favour remote delivery if feasible during this period.
  • On-campus provision will be minimised with priority given to teaching and learning that can only take place on-site.
  • This will include small group teaching and research in laboratories, practical tuition and workshops.
  • It will also include limited planned on-site attendance for other priority student cohorts.  This may include small tutorials and elements of first-year orientation / induction which cannot be undertaken on line, so long as these are conducted on a staggered basis to avoid congregation or large on-site attendances.
  • University libraries will remain open with strict social distancing protocols and entry registration.
  • All research activities will continue as normal.
  • Social / club activities on-campus will be suspended until further notice.
  • Universities will also enhance any protection measures such as more extensive wearing of face masks in certain settings.

“Since this University was established in 1845, very few groups of students and staff will have encountered such extraordinary and challenging circumstances as this year has brought,” NUIG’s statement said.

“For our students, you have overcome much adversity since the start of the year to reach this point.”

“For our staff, you have continually innovated and adapted to deliver excellent education and services to our students.

“This is undoubtedly a blow to those of us who hoped to return to campus next week, but we will continue to support each other through this crisis.”

As a community, I know we will continue to adapt our behaviours as required, because we know that our actions can save lives, not just in this University, but in the wider community.”

“We will provide further updates early next week, but in the interim I urge you all to continue to follow public health advice. Stay safe and be kind to each other.”