Free schoolbooks for all primary and special schools in new scheme

Galway Daily news Almost 1,000 Ukrainian pupils enrolled in Galway schools

All primary and special schools in Ireland will be able to avail of free schoolbooks under a new scheme to help ease costs for parents.

The scheme will provide free schoolbooks, but also workbooks and copybooks, for over 558,000 pupils enrolled in approximately 3,230 primary schools, including over 130 special schools.

The investment of more than €50 million in this programme expands on the free school book pilot, currently operating in over 100 primary schools in the DEIS programme.

Minister for Education Norma Foley said, “I am delighted to announce details of the funding package of over €50 million secured in Budget 2023 for the landmark new scheme to provide free schoolbooks in all primary schools and special schools.

“This ground-breaking, permanent measure will ease some of the financial burden facing families with the back-to- school costs.”

“The objective of the new scheme is about ensuring every child has the resources required to access education and also easing financial burdens surrounding the back to school costs which can be a cause of financial difficulty for many families each year.”

“By providing our primary school children with free school books, we are enhancing their educational experience, not just in the classroom but reaching out into the family home.”

Under this scheme schoolbooks will be the property of the school, to be returned at the end of the year.