Scam Alert for electricity discount claims

Galway Daily news Scam Alert for electricity discount claims

An Garda Síochána are advising the public to be alert for scams claiming that people are able to get discounted electricity.

Scam texts have been doing the rounds claiming that people are eligible for electricity discounts under the ‘Energy support scheme’.

These fraudulent texts, claiming to be from the government, then attempt to get people to click on a link meant to appear as though it is sending you to a government webpage.

An Garda Síochána North Western Region issued a statement saying, “The Government have confirmed that there is no such scheme offered and warned the public not to click on any links or enter any personal details.”

Crime Prevention Officers advise people not to give out any personal details to someone who texts or calls you.

If the person claiming to be from a trusted institution seems genuine, then you should call them back on a number you know to be genuine.

“Scams are usually out of the blue, often have a sense of urgency and are looking for personal information”.

Information scammers will be looking for can include any of the following: Name, Address, DOB, Mothers Maiden Name, Model of first car, Pets name, where born etc.