Just 11 new Gardaí assigned to North-Western Region for newly sworn group

Galway Daily news Just 11 new Gardaí assigned to North-Western Region for newly sworn group

The North-Western Region which is headquartered in Galway has received less than a tenth of the newly sworn Gardaí allocated this week.

There have been 11 new Garda officers allocated to the North-Western Region out of a class of 126 attested on Friday.

These newly attested 126 members of An Garda Síochána were recruited as part of the 2022 recruitment campaign.

This bring the number of Gardaí sworn in this year to 237, with a further 328 recruits still in training.

With inter-divisional transfers, a further five Gardaí have been assigned to the North-Western Region in this batch.

The new Gardaí commenced their Garda training in February 2023, and have undertaken a blend of on-line learning, on-site learning in the Garda College, and experiential learning in training Garda stations.

Speaking at the ceremony, Commissioner Drew Harris welcoming the new Garda probationers said, “Thank you to our new Gardaí for choosing a career in An Garda Síochána.”

“I know you will have had plenty of other opportunities available to you. But, instead, you chose to serve the people of Ireland.”

“To put them first. To put them at the heart of your professional career. Because that is what Gardaí do. The decision you have made will make a real difference in people’s lives.”

The lion’s share of the new class was assigned to the Dublin Region, 89 officers, with a further 18 for the Eastern Region, and 8 to the Southern Region.

Commissioner Harris further added, “Being a Garda is an honourable profession. Those who are given this great responsibility by the people of this country must in turn behave honourably. And those who do not must be called out.”

“It cannot be swept under the carpet or dealt with in a way where the perpetrator is protected over the victim.”

“Never forget who we serve. Remember the solemn oath you have sworn. As Gardaí our duty is plain and simple, it is to serve the people of Ireland.”