COVID-19: Another 3,903 cases reported

Galway Daily news 25 percent drop in COVID cases in Galway hospitals

There have been a further 3,903 cases of COVID-19 reported by the Department of Health today.

As of this morning there were 463 people in the country hospitalised with COVID.

Of these patients, 76 are in serious condition and being treated in the intensive care units.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said that today’s figures are concerning, and a “stark reminder” of the highly contagious nature of the virus.

“This is not a situation any of us want to be in, but our reality remains that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic.”

“Ireland has been tracking ahead of other Western European countries when it comes to this fourth wave of the pandemic. We are now starting to see a rise in incidence across the continent in line with our own recent experience.”

“There is some good news in that the number of people per 1000 cases requiring hospitalisation and critical care as a result of COVID-19 infection has reduced as the average age of cases reducing and as a result of some early impact of the booster vaccination.”

The COVID-19 data hub provides information on the key indicators of the disease in the community, including the rollout of the vaccine campaign.

There were 56 further deaths in Ireland related to the disease in the week up to last Wednesday, November 3.

In the past week 174,270 tests have been carried out, with 13.3% of people testing positive.

There have now been 7,341,341 doses of vaccine administered in Ireland, and 3,756,091 people are full vaccinated.