County Galway launches ambitious five-year Climate Action Plan

Cllr. Liam Carroll, Cathaoirleach, pictured with Alánna O’Brien and Michelle Chiperi Aivazova of the Youth Work Ireland SAUTI-Youth Project at the launch of the Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 at County Hall alongside Liam Conneally, Chief Executive of Galway County Council (second row centre), and members of Galway County Council’s Climate Action Team. Photo Boyd Challenger.

Galway County Council has launched its first Five Year Climate Action Plan aimed at creating a cleaner, greener economy and society, and adapting to changing weather hazards.

The Galway County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 was created off the basis of extensive consultation stakeholders over the past 18 months.

Supporting the development of renewable energy projects, promoting a circular economy and reducing carbon emissions are among the key targets set out in the newly launched plan.

The Local Authority says the Plan provides a roadmap for adapting to weather hazards, such as coastal, river and surface water flooding, coastal erosion, heatwaves and droughts.

These events are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity due to climate change in line with global trends with a wide range of impacts for County Galway.

The Plan’s vision around climate action in the areas of energy, built environment, transport, circular economy and land use is driven by individual actions.

It includes a commitment by Galway County Council to reduce its emissions by 51% by 2030 and a policy to ensure new public housing and buildings incorporate the principles of climate action in terms of design, services and amenities.

Launching the Climate Action Plan at County Hall, Cllr Liam Carroll, Cathaoirleach of Galway County Council highlighted its potential benefits which he said, “extend far beyond emission reductions.”

The Cathaoirleach added, “The implementation of the Plan will support investment in renewable energy, the circular economy and sustainable transportation, and will create new employment opportunities within the county that will foster economic growth and prosperity.”

“The listening process involved in producing this strategy has helped to identify the goals our county must achieve if it is to make a positive and quantifiable contribution to national and global climate action efforts.”

Other actions include increasing investment in active travel facilities, encouraging local businesses to reduce waste and use sustainable packaging, supporting the retrofit of community buildings, introducing public water refill stations, and implementing and promoting sustainable land use practices to protect biodiversity and combat climate change.

Liam Conneally, Chief Executive of Galway County Council acknowledged the contributions made by Elected Members and staff of the Local Authority, as well as young people, community groups and local businesses across the County during the plan-making process.

“The delivery of the actions will bring co-benefits such as increased energy security and improved public health and will support our vision of a climate-resilient, biodiversity rich and environmentally sustainable county,” he added.

The Plan also includes the recently launched Climate Action Fund, which provides grants for community groups to undertake climate action measures.

In the first round of funding, €762,000 is being made available, with 55 applications received before the closing date in late February.

Projects submitted to the county council include the retrofitting of buildings, renewable energy generation, biodiversity enhancement and the circular economy.

Eileen Ruane, Director of Services for Environment, Climate Change, ICT. Services and Human Resources said the number of applications demonstrates that communities and not-for-profit organisations in the County are “eager to actively participate in building a more sustainable future.”

“This plan recognises that climate action is a collective responsibility that affects every aspect of our lives and will involve public bodies, individuals, communities, and businesses throughout County Galway,” explained Ms. Ruane.

“Being able to turn the commitments set out in the Plan into real action requires effort, but with the wider public’s cooperation and input we will be able to deliver positive change for the climate and for our communities, both now and in the future.”

Commenting on the plan-making process, Michelle Chiperi Aivazova, a Youth Work Ireland SAUTI-Youth project participantsaid, “This Action Plan is an example of how effective collaboration between local authorities and young people empowers youth to have their voices heard in decision-making processes.”

Progress on the County Galway Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 will be monitored by a dedicated team within Galway County Council which will report to and be guided by the Local Authority’s management team, the Climate Action and Biodiversity Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) and Elected Members.

Copies of the Plan will be available at Galway County Library branches and online at

For more information, please contact Galway County Council’s Climate Action Unit at