COPE Galway is back on campus for annual Sexual Health week

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This Valentine’s week, COPE Galway Domestic Violence & Outreach Service is back on campus at NUIG and GMIT to raise awareness among young people of the signs of an abusive relationship.

The outreach service, operating from the refuge at Waterside House, offers information to third level students and is once again taking part in the annual NUIG and GMIT ‘SHAG Week’ to raise awareness on the issue of Dating Abuse within an intimate relationship.

“Women who have experienced Domestic Violence say that information on Dating Abuse as teenagers could have helped them to recognise the early signs of an abusive relationship”, explains Ciara Tyrrell, from COPE Galway Domestic Violence Refuge and Outreach Service. “Our aim is to support students to identify the warning signs of an abusive relationship, in particular the more subtle controlling behaviours that are not so obvious in the initial stages of a relationship.”

Research carried out with women who have experienced Domestic Abuse identified that low self-esteem and a lack of information are important indicators of vulnerability to future abuse.

Loneliness and pressure to conform can all contribute to young people being vulnerable to abuse within a relationship and current dangers surrounding internet use is an added difficulty for young people when trying to leave an abusive relationship.

Staff from COPE Galway Domestic Violence Refuge & Outreach Service will have a stand at NUIG beside Smokey’s Café on Tuesday the 13th of February 12pm-2pm and will be on main campus GMIT on Wednesday February 14th (Valentine’s Day).

They will be handing out wristbands and information leaflets and are available to talk to anyone with concerns for themselves, a family member or a friend who they may be worried about.

To view the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship and for more information visit or contact COPE Galway Domestic Violence Refuge & Outreach Service at 091-565985.