Commemoration ceremony marks centenary of Truce

Photo Credit: Aengus McMahon/Galway City Council

All the Irish men and women who have given their lives in past wars, or serving on peacekeeping missions, were honoured at a ceremony in the city at the weekend.

Members of the city council, as well as members of the Defence Forces and religious leaders, attended a ceremony on the National Day of Commemoration on Sunday morning at City Hall.

This day also marked the catenary of the Truce which came into effect on July 11, 1921, bringing to an end the violence of the War of Independence.

Mayor of the City of Galway, Cllr. Colette Connolly laid a wreath to honour those who gave their lives, either at home fighting for Ireland, or abroad in the name of a more peaceful world.

The Ceremony included an invitation to remember all those who died in past wars or on service with the United Nations, as well as those who died during the War of Independence.

Similar to last year, the Ceremony was scaled back considerably and differed substantially from arrangements in previous years.

Strict social distancing protocols were in place and strict social distancing guidelines were observed at all times during and after the Ceremony.