City Council refuses planning for restaurant and office development

Galway Daily news Planning appeal lodged over rejected Galway City office and restaurant plans

Galway City Council has refused planning permission for a commercial development of retail, offices, and a restaurant in the city’s westend.

Planning permission was sought for the demolition of a former garage on Munster Avenue in the city, and to build a four storey mixed-use building in its place.

The proposed development would have consisted of a retail unit on the ground floor, and a restaurant on the first floor.

The top two floors of the building would have comprised office space, which a cover letter for the planning application stated would be aimed at startup of small businesses sharing facilities.

Windows would be located at above eye level in the offices to provide light and ventilation, while avoiding overlooking neighbouring homes.

The cover letter stated that the site was not suited to residential usage due to the lack of room for amenity space, and because efforts to avoid overlooking would limit development to two storeys.

No parking was proposed for the development, with the cover letter stating that it would rely on public transport.

There were eight objections from local residents living on Munster Avenue submitted to the council about this development.

In refusing planning permission, the city council said that the “excessive scale, height, and density” of the proposal would be an overdevelopment of the site, and that the design would have an “overbearing expression” onto the streetscape.

The council also said that no information has been submitted for the potential implications on traffic and pedestrian safety, and that it was not satisfied that the development wouldn’t affect the residential amenity of the area.