City Council planning 84 unit social housing development in Knocknacarra

Galway Daily news Galway City Council has announced plans for a social housing development of 84 apartments and houses in Knocknacarra.

Galway City Council has announced plans for a social housing development of 84 apartments and houses in Knocknacarra.

The council intends to build the social housing development on a vacant just off the Ballymoneen Road between the Drisín and Leas na Mara estates.

The development will comprise 25 one-bedroom apartments, 18 two-bedroom apartments, and 10 three-bedroom apartments.

Of those, 16 of the two-bedroom apartments have been designed as age-friendly units. The other two-bedroom units and all three-bedroom units are of a Universal Design. There will also be 13 three-bedroom terraced houses.

Aside from the homes, the social housing development will also feature a community centre and plaza, a café, and a creche.

Public space in the estate will comprise a tiered, landscaped green area located in the centre of the site in an amphitheatre-style design.

The plans for the social housing development are currently available online or at City Hall.

Public submissions with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area can be made until Friday, March 1.