Canney calls for Toghermore lands to be available to sports groups

galway daily news sean canney calls for lands at toghermore to be open to sports groups

Galway East TD Seán Canney has said that the Toghermore Estate lands in Tuam should be made available to community and sporting groups for amenity purposes.

Toghermore House is currently the Community Healthcare West base for a number of mental health services and disability services.

These services will be moving to the Grove site in Tuam where construction works are presently nearing completion.

Deputy Seán Canney said that the lands are of prime value and could be developed for community amenities to serve the needs of the town, as there is a thriving athletics club and other sports which do not have a base.

“The lands are serving no purpose for the HSE for a long number of years, and I am encouraging them to look at the potential to develop community amenities for the town and catchment area,” said the Independent TD.

“Sporting and community facilities will be a way of improving people’s health and wellbeing and in the long term will be a saving to the State.

“If the HSE do not have a particular use for the land, then it should be returned to the community for other compatible uses.”