Boil Water Notice for 3,000 Gort properties


A Boil Water Notice has been issued for roughly 3,000 homes, farms, and businesses in the Gort area.

The notice has been issued for 2,925 customers supplied by the Gort Water Supply Scheme.

This is necessary due to a deterioration in raw water quality due to a deterioration in raw water quality entering the treatment plant as a result of recent heavy rainfall.

Uisce Eireann has said that they are working with the HSE to lift this notice as quickly as possible.

In the meantime, water must be boiled before being consumed or used for most other purposes.

Water must be boiled for drinking, drinks made with water, preparation of food not cooked prior to eating, infant formula, brushing teeth, or making ice.

However, the water supply is still suitable for hygiene purposes, such as showering and hand-washing.