An Bord Pleanála upholds approval for Oranmore Primary Care Centre

Galway Daily news No progress in Oranmore Primary Care Centre standoff

An Bord Pleanála has upheld approval for the construction of a Primary Care Centre in Oranmore.

Sarsfield S.a.r.l plans to building a primary care centre ranging from two to four storeys in height on a 1.08ha site towards the southern end of Oranmore.

The centre will include a GP suite, public pharmacy, public physiotherapy suite, as well as an ambulance deployment point which will be accessible 24/7.

The PCC will be used to provide a wide range of community healthcare services including public health and schools nursing, physiotherapy, dental services, mental health teams, occupational therapy, and more.

“There is currently no health centre for the Oranmore Primary Care Team, which provides care to a population of 14,282, based on the 2016 census, this includes patients living in Craughwell, Clarinbridge, Adrahan,” a cover letter for the proposal stated.

“The health professionals in the teams to be accommodated are currently based in the East of Galway City and Ardrahan.”

Planning permission was granted by Galway County Council for the primary care centre last November.

That decision was appeal to A Bord Pleanála by the Management Company of the neighbouring Clochog estate, and by a resident of the same.

The appeal raised concerns about the increase in traffic through the estate this development would result in, as vehicle access to the site will be via the existing estate access road.

With 105 car parking spaces in the plans for the PCC, Clochog Management Company said that the increased traffic levels would pose a road safety hazard.

The county council had previously refused planning permission for a primary care centre at this location due to concerns about increased traffic levels, and the suitability of the junction of the private estate road and Main Street.

Included in this application are proposed upgrades to the junction meant to improve sightlines for vehicles.

An Bord Pleanála ultimately upheld planning permission for the develop with 16 revised conditions attached.