An Bord Pleanála overrules own Inspector to approve converting city centre apartments to apart-hotel

Galway Daily news An Bord Pleanála overrules own Inspector to approve converting city centre apartments to apart-hotel

An Bord Pleanála has given the green light for an apartment building in the city centre to be converted to a self-catering hotel, going against its own Inspector’s recommendation.

Cornacloy Property Holdings appealed to the higher planning authority, plans to convert 17 apartments in the Citypoint building on Prospect Hill.

The city council had previously refused planning permission for this development back in 2022, stating that the loss of long-term accommodation in the city centre would be unacceptable.

The appeal against this decision stated that hotel and tourism uses are also appropriate for CC zoned land, and that it is intended that the self-catering units would be linked to a local hotel.

It also stated that despite being located in a rent pressure zone, a tourism use is more appropriate for the city core, and enhancing the area’s commercial potential.

The city council said in response that if the apartments had never been used as long-term accommodation, which the appellant had stated, then they may represent an unauthorised development compared with the planning permission granted in 2010.

The council also empahsised that there are a number of residential neighbourhoods close to this site, and dismissed the claim that it is not a residential area.

An Bord Pleanála’s Inspector recommended that the city council’s original decision be upheld, stating that allowing the change of use would conflict with the City Development Plan and national policy.

The Bord ultimately decided not to follow the inspector’s recommendation, stating that it was taking into account the past hotel use of this site prior to the current building, and the CC zoning objective.

The decision also noted that Galway is a significant tourism hub, and that these apartments are not part of or contiguous to another residential area.

While there is a presumption against allowing short-term letting in a rent pressure zone according to national policy, that does “impose a complete prohibition”, the Bord decision states.