An Bord Pleanála approves controversial Mountbellew filling station

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

An Bord Plenála has upheld planning permission for a new filling station in Mountbellew which has been heavily opposed at multiple turns locally.

The plans consist of amendments to a previously permitted development consisting of a supermarket, other commercial units, and apartments at a site on College Road, Mountbellew.

The developer, Cahermorris Developments Ltd, sought approval to amend those plans to replace a commercial unit with a filling station, as well as amendments to the facade of the supermarket.

Galway County Council granted planning permission for the revised filling station plans in February of this year with 16 conditions attached.

The plans attracted 37 third party objections at that time, many of which were reiterated in the appeal to the higher planning authority.

The main concerns of the appellants were the potential impact that this overall development could have on the commercial core of Mountbellew, as well as the potential for a road safety hazard caused by increased traffic. A concern only heightened by the addition of a filling station to the plans.

Six notices of appeal were filed against these plans with An Bord Pleanála, five by private individuals and another by the Mountbellew District Development Association.

Their appeal said that this is a “problematic” stretch of road already, and that there are multiple schools nearby, and that the addition of extra traffic for a supermarket and filling station could be problematic.

Claremorris Developments had previously been refused planning permission for this proposal in 2019 by both the county council and higher planning authority on the grounds that it would pose a road safety hazard.

An updated Traffic and Transport Assessment and Road Safety Audit were included in the fresh application approved this year.

An Bord Pleanála upheld the county council’s original decision, ruling against the appeal and granting permission for the filling station with 16 revised conditions.