Can people over 70 return to playing golf?

galway daily sport Golf Ireland welcomes announcement courses can reopen from Tuesday

As restrictions brought in to tackle COVID-19 begin to ease, many people who have been staying at home are keen to get back to playing a range of sports.

However, the present advice for people over 70 who want to start golfing again is that they should not do so.

People who have been ‘cocooning’ until now may leave home for exercise, but are advised to continue to avoid contact with people, even on a socially distanced basis.

This is advisory rather than mandatory though, meaning it is up to each person to decide whether they wish to participate in certain sports.

Sport Ireland has also said that people should not travel beyond 5km to play tennis and golf when facilities reopen on Monday.

East Galway TD Ciaran Cannon said: “As we begin to ease life in Galway back towards normality from this coming Monday 18 May, there has been some discussion on whether those who have been cocooning so far and who enjoy golfing should return to local golf courses.”

Minister Cannon highlighted the advice for people over 70 who want to return to playing tennis and golf, and said that he understands that this is difficult for those who play these sports.

“I appreciate how difficult this advice may be for people in the county who enjoy these sports and have been held back from engaging in them up to now, but I appeal to people to remember that this advice has been issued with people’s very best interests in mind,” said Minister Cannon.