33 NUI Galway research projects awarded government funding

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Thirty-three NUI Galway research projects have been awarded funding by the Irish Research Council.

The successful projects were announced by Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris as part of a €28 million investment in research and academia.

Welcoming the announcement, Professor Jim Livesey, Vice President for Research and Innovation, NUI Galway, extended his congratulations to the talented group of postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers for their innovative projects.

“As a research-led University, the IRC’s Government of Ireland programmes animate NUI Galway’s values of respect, openness, sustainability and excellence,” said Professor Livesey.

“All 33 projects demonstrate how important public research and innovation is to the fabric of our lives when confronting national and global challenges.

“I would also like to thank the Irish Research Council and the Government for supporting these important research projects.”

In total, the IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate and Postdoctoral 2021 programme will fund 330 awards, made up of 254 postgraduate scholarships and 76 postdoctoral fellowships.

To deliver on shared national objectives, each year the Government of Ireland programmes collaborate with strategic funding partners, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Met Éireann.