2.6km of Tuam road water mains being replaced

Galway Daily news Mains repairs to cause water outages in Salthill next week

An extensive upgrade of the water network on the outskirts of Galway city will see 2.6km of water mains replaced this summer.

Irish Water are working with both the city and county councils to replace a long stretch of “problematic” water mains to safeguard the water supply for local businesses and homes.

The programme of works will see the replacement of 1km of water mains on the Tuam Road from the Polkeen Industrial Estate to Cappanabornia.

And then another 1.6km between the Bóthar na Mine exit and the City North Business Park will be replaced afterwards.

Work on the Polkeen Industrial Estate sections has gotten underway this week and is expected to be completed by August.

The works at the Bóthar na Mine exit are due to commence in autumn and are scheduled to  take three months.

Both sections fall under Irish Water’s National Leakage Reduction Programme which has been replacing vast amounts of water pipes after successive governments under invested in our water infrastructure for decades.

“Businesses, families and commuters will have seen or felt the impact of the high number of water main bursts on the Tuam road,” said Dave Murphy from Irish Water.

“Irish Water is in the process of rectifying this significant problem. Replacing the old, damaged pipes will improve water quality and ensure a more reliable water supply for affected customers.”

“These improvements to the water network are essential in providing a safe, secure and reliable water supply for now, and into the future.”

Traffic management will be in effect during these works, mostly along the hard shoulder where work will be taking place in short sections.

Traffic lights and lane closure will be required for short periods to facilitate some road crossings along the route, while local and emergency access will be maintained at times.

As well as replacing the water mains themselves, Irish Water will also be laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers’ property boundaries, and connecting it to the customer’s water supply.

Where the existing service connections on the public side are lead these will be replaced as part of these improvement works.