Old House, New Home – reimagining historic buildings as modern homes

Galway Daily life & style Plenty of people live in historic buildings, and wonder about bringing its classical features back to the limelight, or else have dreamed of owning one themselves for a different experience to modern homes.

Plenty of people live in historic buildings, and wonder about bringing its classical features back to the limelight, or else have dreamed of owning one themselves for a different experience to modern homes.

For anyone who has been put of by the fact that restoring historic buildings is a daunting task, the Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht & Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland have your back with new guidance on how to do just that.

The Old House New Home e-publication offers free guidance and advice on repairing and reusing historic buildings.

The guide goes through everything about understanding what makes your house special, conserving its unique historic features and, crucial to making a house a home, how to bring it to contemporary living standards without compromising its character.

The guide includes a wealth of case study projects representing different sizes, conditions, characteristics and locations – from homes in urban and suburban settings to the adaptation of farmhouse complex, their yards and outbuildings.

Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan said that repairing and reusing historic buildings is of “paramount importance” to urban renewal.

“Nut of particular relevance to informing how to reimagine the historic building stock that lies vacant at the heart of our towns and villages.”

As well as making distinctive homes’, the Minister continued, “the reuse and repair of existing buildings is an important response to climate change and urban revitalisation.”

“Consideration of reuse and reimagining of existing building stock, their embodied energy and craftsmanship is a carbon neutral option, which is part of sustainable development.”

Kathryn Meghen, CEO of the RIAI, added that this publication “provides best-practice architectural advice and beautifully illustrated case studies to support and inspire homeowners in reimagining these buildings.”

“The adaptation of derelict or vacated buildings offer distinct and unique opportunities but can be daunting, where their original qualities are masked by poor condition or previous alterations.”

“Conserving or adapting an existing building is a complex process that requires architectural advice from the outset.”

“These buildings provide exciting opportunities and with the right advice and guidance can provide beautiful homes for generations to come.”