POLL: Do you agree with the draft guidelines for pubs reopening?

galway daily news pubs reopening on july 5th in ireland

The draft guidelines for the reopening of “wet” pubs contain fewer restrictions than those imposed on pubs serving food in the past few months.

The guidelines suggest that social distancing can be relaxed to 1 metre in controlled environments, and that booking tables and time limits won’t be needed if 2 metres physical distances can be ensured.

However, people won’t be able to sit at the bar to have a quiet pint or two – they will have to sit down at a table and wait to be served.

Pubs will also have to close by 11.30pm, and straws and cocktail umbrellas won’t be served with drinks.

The draft guidelines also suggest staff take the name and telephone number of one person from each group and keep the information for 28 days.

Do you agree with the draft guidelines?

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