Galwegians to come together to celebrate World Refugee Day

world refugee day

To mark international World Refugee Day, Galway Integration Consortium,  BRIDGE (Building a Receptive Integrated Diverse Galway of Equals), AMACH! LGBT+ Galway, Galway Anti-Racism Network (GARN) and WalkTheTalk Galway have come together to a host a series of events.

These groups will come together tomorrow to highlight some of the issues facing asylum seekers and refugees, and to celebrate the contribution they make to our society.

Photo exhibition

On Wednesday June 20th from 4-6pm, there will be a photography exhibition in Teach Solais Resource Centre, Victoria Place, on Merchant’s Rd. Tea and coffee will be available in a nice, relaxed atmosphere. The photos were taken by participants of a Cultural Identity workshop series co-facilitated by AMACH! and the Galway Roscommon Education & Training Board (GRETB). All are welcome.

For more details, please contact Aidan on

FÁILTE aerial photograph

Following the photo exhibition in Teach Solais, the Galway Anti-Racism Network (GARN) are looking for volunteers and passersby to participate in a creative aerial photograph at Salthill Beach (opposite Coco’s cafe) at 6:30pm.

Using volunteers to spell the word “FÁILTE” on the beach, organisers will then take an aerial photograph so that the world will know that Galway welcomes all to its shores. All are welcome to participate.

Joe Loughnane of GARN said: “Refugees are languishing in accommodation centres around the country feeling isolated and depressed.

“The government has failed to take in anywhere near the amount of people they promised to give refuge to.

“Asylum seekers have been subjected to mental torture and horrific conditions in Direct Provision centres for almost two decades, denied the right to work and cut off from society.

“That’s not a welcome. That’s not marking your country on the map as a place of sanctuary for these people. GARN wants our refugee sisters and brothers to know that they are more than welcome on this island.”

Saturday’s events

On Saturday June 23rd Galway Integration Consortium, BRIDGE, AMACH and WalkTheTalk will host an Intercultural 5 aside, Food, Music, Games and Fun 1-5pm in Aras Bothar na Tra, Salthill.

For more information contact Suzanne McKane or Simba Tshoga at