Malachaí wants complete control of Sadie in Ros na Rún

Galway Daily television Malachaí wants complete control of Sadie in Ros na Rún

Malachaí wants to control Sadie, David wrestles with his conscience, and Áine is horrified that Tadgh has it all mapped out for her in Ros na Rún.

Malachaí believes he knows what is best for Sadie and wants complete control of everything she does; but how far will he go to achieve this?

Greg and Sorcha want Risteard gone from the village before Michelle returns, but some things are easier said than done.

Áine, ambitious for her future, is horrified to learn that Tadhg has everything mapped out for her behind the bar.

David is battling with his conscience over what to do with the knife Andy gave him. Eventually, he hands it over, but to whom?

Andy visits his consultant and gets some shocking news. What has he been told?

Catch up on all the latest in Ros na Rún in a double feature omnibus on TG4 this Sunday at 7:30pm.