Sing for the Autumn with Galway Choral Association

Galway Choral Association presents the proceeds of their summer concert to Claddagh Watch Patrol. L-R: Michael O’Hare and Craig Steven, GCA; Arthur Carr, Claddagh Watch, Tony Roe, Mary Curtin, GCA.

Sing for the changing of the seasons alongside a choir full of like minded music lovers with Galway Choral Association.

The Galway Choral Association is looking to hear from anyone who loves singing and wants a challenge as they recruit for the new season.

The Association is a mixed-voice community choir and has vacancies for men and women who want to sing fabulous music from the classical choral repertoire.

With the season starting in mid-September, the choir is working towards a performance of Rossini’s ‘’Petite Messe Solennelle’’ in early 2024, under the direction of Dr Darina McCarthy.

Former members, people who want to return to choral singing, and those who want to step up to the challenge of singing four-part harmony in a classical work are all welcome.

“Singing with a group is great for health and well-being, says chairperson Tony Roe.  “Participation in choral singing provides great personal satisfaction as well as the opportunity to develop your singing talent.”

“Choral experience and ability to read music are helpful, but not necessary. New members often include people who last sang with a choir years ago, but we welcome all adult singers.”

Tony added that as a well established organisation, the Galway Choral Association has strong ties to the community, including charitable organisations, and the expertise to put on major shows.

“As a choir we aim to achieve a standard of excellence in choral singing and work with accomplished musicians while providing high quality musical education for members and raising funds for local charities.”

Founded in 1998 as a boy’s choir, it quickly grew to accept adult male singers the following years, and girls and ladies choirs in the years 2000 and 2001.

Now a quarter century old, the most recent summer concert raised €2,000 for the lifesaving Claddagh Watch Patrol organisation.

“I’m delighted to be doing the ’Petite Messe Solennelle” said Dr Darina McCarthy of the coming season. “It was composed in 1863, just over 30 years after Rossini wrote his last opera, and is a heartfelt work which shows his extraordinary compositional capabilities.”

“It is full of drama, pathos, colour and intensity. This Latin text Mass setting is accompanied by the unusual combination of two pianos and a harmonium.”

The new season starts in September 2023.  The choir rehearses on Sunday from 7:30 – 9:30 pm in St. Patrick’s Band Hall, from September to June.

New members are accepted in September and February.  Prospective members may attend three rehearsals, to see if it’s the right choir for them.

For more information, see or, or email