Create your own magical world of Macnas At Home this Halloween

Create your own magical world of Macnas At Home this Halloween

In a year when a parade isn’t possible, Macnas has partnered once again with Bram Stoker Festival for a unique celebration to bring the magic of Macnas right into your home this Hallowe’en.

The Boy Explorer has returned and he needs your help, how do we all stay connected and celebrate Halloween this year? He came up with a brilliant idea …

He thought.. We’ll adventure online and invite dreamers  of every age from 0 -100 years old to use the magic of imagination to help him bring him and his friends to life.

In a series of online videos released daily at 10am during the October Mid-Term – 27–31 October – families nationwide will be guided through the creation of their own Macnas at home experience.

This will involve everything from Creating Your Story, to Movement, Mask-Making and Sounds & Drumming.

You’ll follow step-by-step as Macnas demonstrate how to create your own Hallowe’en spectacle at home!

10am – Tuesday 27 October – Creating Your Story

10am – Wednesday 28 October – Movement

10am – Thursday 29 October – Mask-Making

10am – Friday 30 October – Sounds & Drumming

On Hallowe’en, Macnas are inviting everyone to upload their creations to social media using the hashtag #BramStokerMacnas, for the whole world to see.