A truly unique artistic space on the shores of Inis Oirr

Galway Daily arts Studio Drop - a unique artists space on the shores of Inis Oírr

Having a private, out of the way space to work has always been thought of as an important part of the artistic process, something taken well to heart in the new Studio Drop launching on Inis Oírr.

Studio Drop is an architecture and design project, originally commissioned by the arts organisation Drop Everything for Galway 2020.

Launching later this month with summer creative residencies running until August, designer Jordan Ralph and a team of Drop Everything collaborators have designed and built an off-grid artist studio to work away from the pressures of towns and cities.

Located on the wild and rocky coastline of Inis Oírr, this new artistic studio inspired by traditional crafts is a one-of-a-kind structure.

Taking inspiration from common sights on Ireland’s coastal landscape, from martello towers to beehive huts, as well as construction methods used by local boat builders in Galway, Studio Drop designer Jordan Ralph has created a truly unique artisanal space.

After an inspired visit with boat builders restoring the ‘Loveen’ Galway Hooker fishing boat, Jordan reworked his design based on the traditional techniques seen in Hooker builds. The result is an experimental and unique project with an original construction.

The studio will launch on the summer solstice, June 21. Visual artists, writers, illustrators, musicians and photographers, are invited to participate in week-long residencies on the island.

The first artist in residence for this exciting new space is Maria Somerville, musician and resident host on NTS Radio.