€100,000 fund announced for Women’s Sheds

galway daily news womens sheds ireland

A new fund of €100,000 has been announced by Minister Heather Humphreys to support Women’s Sheds across the country.

The initiative, the first of its kind, recognises the growing number of Women’s Sheds across the country, which do not currently operate under a single national representative body like Men’s Sheds.

Minister Humphreys this week met a delegation of women from across the country who are actively involved in running Women and Sister Shed’s in their communities.

The grants which will be in the region of €1,000 to €2,000 could be used to assist Women’s Sheds to expand within their communities, to run activities or to help them with their running costs such as insurance or rental costs.

Announcing the new initiative, Minister Humphreys said many people will be familiar with the Men’s Sheds, of which there are now 400 nationwide and a national body.

She said that the Women’s Shed movement is a relatively new phenomenon in comparison and that many of the groups she spoke to this week have only been in existence for a year or less.

“I passionately want to support our Women’s Sheds to grow however I’m conscious that without a representative body, it is more difficult for Women’s Sheds to avail of State support,” said Minister Humphreys.

“And so, for the first time, I’m putting aside a special fund of €100,000 specifically for our Women’s Sheds.

“My message today is clear – if you are part of a Women’s Shed, please get in touch with my Department because I want to support the fantastic work that you do.”

Women’s Shed interested in availing of funding should get in touch with the Department of Rural and Community Development via womenssheds@drcd.gov.ie.