What’s a knife between friends in Ros an Rún

Galway Daily television What's a knife between friends in Ros an Rún

David hides a knife for Andy, Berni is afraid to be alone, and Greg finds out his dad is in trouble with moneylenders in Ros na Rún.

David goes to hide the knife that Andy used to threaten Briain. But to his horror, it get found anyways, and now O’Shea wants to talk to him.

What questions does she have for David about the day Briain was attacked, and will he crack under the pressure?

Berni, not wanting to be alone, for fear Briain will break into the flat, pleads with David to stay with her. How will Annnette feel about this? 

Áine deeply misses her mom on the two year anniversary of her death, feeling devastated that everyone seems to have forgotten her. Tadgh remembers what O’Shea said, but will he share that with Áine.

Greg, on learning that his dad is in trouble with moneylenders, and has nowhere  to stay, comes to his aid.

Catch up on the latest drama from Ros na Rún in a double feature omnibus on TG4 this Sunday at 7:30pm.