City Council invites bands to seek grant funding

Galway Daily music City Council invites bands to seek grant funding

Galway City Council is providing funding to support bands in giving live performances in the city.

The council Arts Office is inviting applications for the 2021 Band Grant Scheme.

In order to qualify for the scheme bands must be based in, or operate substantially in Galway City.

The work that they propose to use the funding must be artistic or cultural in nature, and must also be not for profit.

The City Council offers a limited amount of support to, including Marching, School, Brass and Pipe bands.

This Grant Scheme is a competitive process with limited funding, so all applicants may not be successful.

In assessing applications the council will take into consideration a proven track record in the arts, the quality of the proposed work, its innovation, and more.

The full guidelines and application form for the grant scheme is available from the city council website.

The closing date for applications to the 2021 scheme is 4pm on Thursday, November 18.