‘Grief café’ coming to Galway this winter

galway daily news grief cafe galway

Galway-based theatre makers Joanne Webb and John Valters-Paintner are joining an Irish Hospice Foundation initiative this winter which is inviting people to come together to talk about grief. 

In 2016, Irish Hospice Foundation carried out a national survey where people said they would like more places to talk about death and bereavement.

After two years of the pandemic, Galway artists are offering this sanctuary in Éan, the inventive new bakery and wine bar on Druid Lane in Galway City.

The ‘Grief Café’ in Galway will take place on November 22, 23, 29 and 30, December 13, and January 3, 10 ,17 and 24, from 11.00am until 4.00pm. An evening event will also be held in January.

“Sometimes we have no words and the process of arts, of making, help make sense. The pandemic has produced a spectrum of losses,” said Joanne Webb.

“All impactful. None too big or too small to leave their mark and worthy of marking.”

Dominic Campbell of Irish Hospice Foundation added that over the last two years Irish people came together in many ways.

“As we head into winter this collaboration with  Irish Hospice Foundation supported by The Creative Ireland programme is creating beautiful spaces for those who need the arts to make sense of our losses,” he said.

The project in Galway is part of a larger nationwide IHF initiative, the Compassionate Culture Network supported by the Creative Ireland Programme whose aim is touse creative practice toestablish opportunities for people to talk about loss.