Night time water restrictions introduced for Inis Oirr

Galway Daily news Water outages in Moycullen

Nightly water restrictions are being imposed on Inis Oirr island starting from next Monday due to a drop in reservoir levels.

From next Monday, May 3, water restrictions will be imposed on the island from 11pm to 7am each night.

Tim O’Connor, Irish Water’s Asset Operations Lead for Galway is mindful of the impact that these restrictions can have on customers but stresses their importance.

“These restrictions are necessary to ensure a continuous daily water supply is available for residents and businesses on Inis Oirr. The timing of these restrictions will mean minimal disruption to customers on the island.”

“We are asking customers to be mindful of how they use water. However it is important to continue to follow the HSE COVID-19 guidance on hand washing.”