Galway weather forecast for this week

Galway Daily weather Rough weekend forecast as weather warning issued by Met Eireann

The first week of August is the first week of autumn in the Irish calendar – meaning summer is over before it ever began. But August and September have often been the hottest and sunniest months over the years.

Unfortunately, this autumn is starting as summer ended with changeable weather forecast for this week.

Met Éireann says tomorrow will be cool with a mix of cloud and sunny spells in Connacht and the day will be dry, apart from a few well scattered showers.

The showers will occur mainly near the west coast and temperatures will be around 16 or 17 degrees in the afternoon, in light to moderate westerly breezes. These breezes will turn southwest and freshen near the west coast during the evening.

Tuesday will be warmer in Galway, with temperatures of 18 degrees forecast for the afternoon.

But there will be scattered showers throughout the day, turning to light persistent rain in the evening and this will continue through the night.

Tuesday night’s rain will ease on Wednesday morning or early afternoon and the early evening will be mainly dry across the West. Temperatures will remain mostly the same as Tuesday, around 17 degrees.

Early indications for Thursday and Friday are that they will be warmer days, but there is very little sunshine forecast. Thursday looks like it will be mostly dry – while Friday will see showers with temperatures in the early 20s.