Tourism Recovery Fund supporting festivals promoting Galway City

Galway daily news Twelve local community festivals awarded funding by city council

Galway City Council is accepting applications for funding from festivals, events or promotions that will help in the economic recovery of the city in the months to come.

The City Council Tourism Recovery Fund will provide funding for festivals that attract visitors and spending to Galway City by proving a; “leisure, social, sporting, or cultural experience outside the range of everyday or regular choices.”

All of the proposed events must take place between September 2020 and April 2021 to be eligible, and they must also be able to alter plans to account for changing social distancing regulations.

Festivals that can take place outdoors to aid in social distancing will receive preference, and events are encouraged to support local artists.

Not eligible for funding are events which are by invitation only, sub-events of larger programmes such as National Heritage Week, or those that only promote one business or event rather than Galway City as a whole.

More guidelines on what the criteria are to be eligible for funding can be found on the city council’s website here.

Applications must be submitted no later than 4pm on Friday, August 21.