City Council approves funding for 24 COVID-19 response projects by community groups

Galway Daily news Grants available to community groups in Galway City affected by COVID

Galway City Council has awarded funding of €38,265 under Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund to 24 projects by community and voluntary groups.

This round of funding was part of the Galway City Community Call initiative, which is about maintaining the wellbeing of communities and individuals in the COVID-19 crisis.

Phase 2 of the call has seen 24 projects approved for funding the Wellbeing campaign’s three focus areas – Stay Connected, Stay Active and Looking after your Mental Health.

As part of the Community Call, the city council has also partnered with the Galway City COVID-19 Community Response Forum to create a hub highlighting all the services and projects in the city focused on maintaining wellbeing in this time, available at

The Community Response Forum was created to coordinate non-emergency and non-medical supports to assist the most vulnerable people in the county during the coronavirus pandemic as part of the Community Call.

The Community Call Helpline, which forms part of this is here for anyone you may know who needs:

· Food, household items, fuel, medications collected or delivered

· Someone to talk to or other social supports

· Meals delivery

· Response to Garda related concerns

· Help with other medical or health needs

The Galway City Community Call Helpline is Freephone 1800 400 150 with lines open from 9am to 5pm seven days a week. The dedicated email address is

The full range of projects which have been approved for funding is:

Name of Group / Organisation Purpose of Funding Amount Approved
Enable Ireland Purchase of cleaning/sanitizing equipment and materials as required for transport provision. €1,000
Helplink Mental Health Purchase of protective screening and sanitizing items for use in counselling rooms. €1,000
COPE Galway Homeless Services Purchase of ICT equipment to develop and enhance supports and wellbeing programmes as provided by homeless service. €978
Blue Teapot Theatre Company Purchase of laptop and delivery of online drama and dance programme. €1,000
Brothers of Charity (Fáilte Area Community Services) Purchase of ICT equipment to enable delivery of physical activities, mental health supports and interaction / guidance. €1,000
Domestic Violence Response (Salthill) Increase frontline service provision at premises in Salthill which provides emotional & practical support to women who are impacted by domestic abuse. €2,000
Galway Autism Partnership Provide funding support to facilitate operation and delivery of Summer Camps programme for children and teenagers. €1,000
Galway City Partnership Purchase of 8 Acorn smart tablets to support the needs of older people, enabling them to stay connected. €3,000
Galway City Partnership Purchase of 10 laptops for training / supports for local community groups. €5,000
Brothers of Charity (Fáilte Area Community Services) Provide funding to develop garden and delivery of a garden programme. €1,000
Galway Parkinsons Association Provide dance, movement & relaxation classes to members in Galway City. €500
Brothers of Charity Services (Arts Alive) Purchase of training equipment for students. €900
Galway Dance Project Provide funding to develop a dance programme for older adults in Galway City to promote wellbeing. €1,000
Galway Dance Project Provide funding to develop a dance programme to support positive mental health in men in Galway City. €700
Westside Resource Centre CLG Provide funding for adaptations needed as a result of Covid-19. €1,500
Let’s Get Talking Provide funding to support reopening costs to facilitate face to face counselling & psychotherapy sessions. €986
Brothers of Charity (John Paul Services) Funding to support the purchase and provision of wheelchair swing for people supported by the services. €2,591
ARD Family Resource Centre Provide funding to develop an Intergenerational project to support older people and teenagers in the local community. €900
SCCUL Enterprises CLG Provide access to online therapeutic support programme for isolated/vulnerable people in Galway City over 14 weeks. €960
Galway Centre for Independent Living Provide financial support for control measures for the safe recommencement of accessible transport club service in Galway City. €3,500
Galway Cheshire Provide funding to support further editions of magazine for local delivery, to include key messages on Mental Health. €500
Galway Simon Community Provide funding support towards the purchase of ICT and fitness equipment to support Health & Wellbeing projects in the homeless service. €1,500
Brú Theatre Provide funding support for the delivery of online theatre and wellbeing workshops. €750
Galway Traveller Movement Provide funding support for the delivery of a wraparound service for Traveller families in Galway City impacted negatively by Covid-19. €5,000