City Hall lights up red on May Day to recognise essential workers

galway daily may day red light city hall

Galway City Council will mark the day this year by illuminating City Hall in red tonight.

The first of May has been celebrated in Ireland since pagan times – but rarely has the day now known as May Day or Workers’ Day had more meaning than this year, during the current crisis.

City Councillor Owen Hanley said that this year’s May Day could not come at a more profound time to recommit ourselves to supporting working people.

The Social Democrats Councillor said: “Throughout the coronavirus pandemic we have been reminded of the key role by healthcare staff in hospitals and care facilities across the city.

“From those on the frontline to researchers and lab staff. It is fair to say we would be lost without them.

“And indeed all essential workers need to be recognised including our Council staff, others across the public sector, as well as retail, food production, emergency services, community and volunteer workers, and many more.

“Those workers on the frontline deserve more than thanks. They deserve to be a major priority for the next government’s response to this crisis.

“And that response must be about fairness and supporting workers. It must be a complete rejection of the failed politics of austerity which hurts these very workers we rely on now.

“This year we especially celebrate our essential workers and resolves to the decent working standards, pay, and representation they deserve.”