Planning permission sought for Oranmore housing estate

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Planning permission is being sought for the construction of new housing estate outside of Oranmore town.

JAPET Investments has submitted plans to the county council for a 47 unit housing estate on an infill site at Oranhill, Oranmore.

The estate would consist of 8 three-bed, semi-detached houses; 19 three-bed, terraced houses; and 20 two-bed, terraced houses.

The estate would have 79 car parking spaces, most of which will be provided in a group area, along with 15 bicycle parking spaces.

Other work involved in the project will include landscaping three public open spaces with a playground, and connecting to existing water and sewerage services.

Entrance and exit from the estate would be through a new access road onto Oranhill Drive, with additional pedestrian routes connecting to existing estate routes onto Oranhill Road.

The site of the proposed house estate is to the east of the existing Oranhill residential development outside of Oranmore town.

It is currently used for agricultural purposes according to the planning application, and contains no existing buildings.

A Design Statement for the project says that the site has “excellent connections” due to being an infill site close to Oranmore town.

The design and layout of the scheme was chosen to be “respectful of the existing built form in Oranhill”, with a mix of housing types and landscaped public areas.

In order to comply with Part V planning law requirements, the developer has proposed reserving 5 two-bed houses for social housing.

An Ecological Impact Assessment Report, Flood Risk Assessment, Traffic and Transport Assessment, and Natura Impact Statement were submitted with this planning application.

Public submissions related to this project can be made to the council up until April 30.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on whether to grant planning permission for this housing development by May 21.