New public park, sports field, and running track coming to Ballyconneelly

Galway daily news New public park, running tack, and sports field for Ballyconneelly

The people of Ballyconneelly of all ages will be able to enjoy their time in the sun with a new public park and sports facilities which have been given planning approval.

The Ballyconneelly Parish Hall Association submitted plans to the county council for a public park and sports field, along with a floodlit running track and picnic areas.

The project will also involve the construction of a steel storage shed and creating off road parking.

“Given the scope of the works we feel that a NIS is not required as no earth moving will be required as part of this application and it is essentially to install a running track over an existing level,” a cover letter with the application stated.

It added that flood lighting along the all weather running track is necessary in order for people to be able to use it during the winter.

One submission concerning this planning application was made by the Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht.

It noted that “Given the scale, extent, and location of the proposed development it is possible that subsurface archaeological remains could be encountered during the construction phases”.

The Parish Hall Association has been required by the council to hire an archaeologist to monitor all grounds works during the course of construction.

If any materials of interest are found during the project they shall have to power to stop work in order to assess the situation regarding any mitigation or recording needed.

Galway County Council granted planning permission with a total of six conditions attached.