Public consultation on vision for the city centre

Galway Daily news Public consultation on vision for the city centre

Galway City Council is inviting the public to share their views on the vision for Galway’s city centre streets and public spaces.

A pop up event will take place in early September for people to make their views known about the draft Public Realm Strategy for the city centre.

This Public Realm Strategy has been prepared by Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners, Dermot Foley Landscape Architects and TOBIN Engineering on behalf of the city council.

It contains a vision of place, design guidance and outline project proposals to improve Galway’s streets and public spaces.

The pop up consultation will take place on Shop Street on Friday, September 6 from 3pm-6pm and Saturday, September 7 from 11am-4pm.

The Draft Galway Public Realm Strategy and associated environmental assessments are available at the City Hall and on

If people have views on what’s contained in the strategy they can make them known at the pop up event or to the council planning department or by e-mail to at any time up to September 30.