Seminar on public and patient involvement in healthcare

Galway Daily news nui galway schools Public involvement in healthcare research seminar

An public event on getting the public and patients involved in healthcare economics research will take place at NUI Galway next week.

PPI Ignite @ NUI Galway will host a seminar for researchers, academics, healthcare professionals and all with an interest in hearing about the importance of the voice of the patient in healthcare research, particularly health economics research on Friday, August 30.

Public and Patient Involvement is increasingly recognised as an essential component of health research, carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public.

Health Economics provides a framework for thinking about how society should allocate its limited health resources to meet people’s demands and needs for healthcare services.

The rationale for involving patients and the public in health economics research is that it promotes research quality and relevance to service users.

Supported by the Health Research Board, people attending the seminar will hear about Public and Patient Involvement from various different perspectives, including why we should have PPI in our health economics research, the researcher’s perspective, and the patient’s voice in healthcare.

It will also look at the current state of PPI in Ireland and how its practices can be improved on headed forward.

Dr Michelle Queally, Lecturer in Economics said “We are very much looking forward to this seminar where we will open discussions around Public and Patient Involvement in health research, particularly health economics.”

“We will be discussing how to build partnerships that allow the public and patients to influence the health economics research we conduct and also how we might evaluate this involvement.”

“Our overarching aim in this seminar is to show how health economics research might be informed by PPI,” she added.

“We will hear from health economists’ experiences of PPI through case studies, reflect on our learnings, and make suggestions for future research practice, and frameworks that we can apply in order to evaluate what contribution PPI has made to a specific project.”

The event will take place in the Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS), North Campus, NUI Galway from 10:30am-3:15pm on Friday, August 30.

Key speakers on the day will be Dr Conor Teljeur, HIQA, will talk about how PPI fits into the health technology assessment processes in Ireland, and the challenges.

Kristina Staley, Director of TwoCan Associates will talk about patient involvement in research that benefits the researchers, by informing their thinking and plans, leading to better research and meets the needs of patients and carers.

Andy Gibson, Associate Professor in PPI at the University of West Leeds will talk about involving the public in health research to ensure that research questions and outcomes reflect the issues that matter to patients and the public.

Liz Goodwin, economics researcher at the University of Exeter will talk about a particular example of involving people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in health economics research.

And Dr Rebecca Kandiyali of Health Economics Bristol will talk about lessons learnt from her own experience of PPI in trial-based economic evaluation and future directions for research and practice.

Dr Michelle Queally, Health Economist, NUI Galway will talk about PPI in health economics research and lessons learned from two case studies.

For full seminar details and registration visit: and type in ‘Public and Patient Involvement’.