Claregalway primary school takes second run at extension with new funding

Galway Daily news Claregalway primary school planning extension

Bawnmore primary school near Claregalway is making a second planning application for an extension to the school facilities.

The primary school at Cloughan, Claregalway intends to improve its facilities with the construction of a new General Purpose room, multi-sensory room and a storage room for P.E equipment.

Galway County Council previously granted planning permission for an extension consisting of a G.P room and the equipment storage room in 2009.

However Bawnmore was unable to move ahead with the project at the time due to a lack of funding.

An extension of duration was granted to that planning permission in 2014, but the primary school was still unable to begin work during that period.

Since that extension to planning permission expired on April 6, Bawnmore NS has submitted a fresh planning application.

“Funding has now been granted to construct the G.P room extension but there is insufficient time left under the extension of planning permission to complete the extension,” planning documents state.

“Therefore the school are now submitting a new planning application to construct the G.P room and store.”

“The extension being applied for under this new planning application consists of a G.P room, multi sensory room and a store room.”

“This does not involve an increase in student numbers as these new rooms will be utilised by the existing student body.”

The gross floor space of the new extension being added to the primary school is 247.2m².

Bawnmore NS was founded in 1863 by the Richard Kirwan, one of the primary local landlords.

The first school was on the Corrundula road, roughly 100m from where the current national school stands.

The change to a new school facility was made in the 1960s when the original building began to show its age.

Since the opening of its last extension in 2011, Bawnmore NS has 6 mainstream classrooms, 3 Learning Support rooms and a hall.

Galway county council is due to make a decision on this planning application by May 27.