NUIG ranked 20th in the world for health and wellbeing contributions

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NUI Galway has been ranked 20th in the world among universities for its contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal for Good Health and Wellbeing.

The Times Higher Education, which ranks universities and other higher education institutes the world over, recently added University Impact Rankings which measure universities success in contribution to the UN’s SDGs.

The rankings include metrics on 11 of the 17 SDGs, with SDG 3 relating to Good Health and Wellbeing on the basis that “ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing at all ages is essential to sustainable development.”

NUI Galway President Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “It’s a positive development that universities’ contribution to the sustainable development agenda is now being measured.

“At NUI Galway, we’re committed to working for the benefit of society, and make a distinctive contribution in the area of population health and wellbeing, as the basis upon which all other aspects of society can flourish.”

These rankings measure institutional commitment to to supporting Good Health and Wellbeing through teaching, research and knowledge transfer, as well as embodying the goals in internal practices, policies and procedures.

Professor Ó hÓgartaigh added that NUIG‘s ranking reflects the many areas and activities with which it supports this goal.

“From our contribution to EU-wide physical and mental health initiatives to working with the public on activities from sports to mindfulness.”

“We look forward to illustrating our distinctive commitment to these sustainable development goals as we develop our University strategy.”