Compulsory Purchase Orders issued for Carraroe treatment plant over local objections

Galway Daily news Lack of sewerage infrastructure impeding housing Galway TD says

Irish Water is moving forward with plans for a wastewater treatment plant at on Sruthán Pier in Carraroe despite local opposition.

This morning Irish Water has issued compulsory purchase orders for land at Knocksruffaunavana, Carraroe to move forward with the project.

A new treatment plant is needed at Carraroe to end the discharge of raw sewage into Carna Bay.

Carraroe is one of four towns in Galway that has been cited by the EPA for dumping raw sewage directly into Galway’s waterways.

However there is strong local objection from people living in the area who say the chosen site at Sruthán Pier is too close to people’s homes and the village centre.

Coiste Pobail Chéibh an tSrutháin, the local group objecting to the project, have said that would destroy a beautiful coastal area with strong fishing and boating traditions.

Rather than setting a treatment plant there, the group says, Sruthán Pier should be developed as an amenity for tourists and the local community.

However Irish Water have said that the sewage treatment plant will accommodate the needs of a larger population “and will facilitate future growth in the area.”

“Cleaner water will enhance Carraroe’s amenity value and act as a platform for social and economic development.”

The local community and Irish Water have been at odds on this issue for the best part of a decade.

At a meeting between Irish Water and the local community this summer, no common ground was found between residents and the public agency.

The Compulsory Purchase Orders have been sent out to landowners and submitted with An Bord Pleanála to move ahead with this project, signalling Irish Water’s interntion to push on over any local objection.